
Valeo F.C. Making An Impact In The 2007 Olympic Development Program

Fab Five - These Valeo Girls To Represent Massachusetts OPD Team

Valeo F.C. has a strong representation on the 07 girls Massachusetts Olympic Development Program (ODP) team.  In fact, the 2019-2020 team has five of Valeo's finest on the roster. These girls are Ann Frigerio, Molly King, Isabelle Larabee, Zoe Antebi and Lucy Osowiecki.

The Olympic Development Program is still one of the most effective methods of identifying and developing elite players in the U.S. youth markets.  There is an increasing number of pathways for young players to take to help them achieve regional and national recognition.  Representing your state and competition against top regional and national players from other states is a great opportunity for young athletes. 



Listed left to right : Ann Frigerio, Molly King, Isabelle Larabee, Zoe Antebi, Lucy Osowiecki


To be selected for the Olympic Development Program, players must attend a sequence of tryouts conducted by state and national associated coaches. Based on the tryouts and assessments, the top players in the state are selected to represent Massachusetts in the Olympic Development Program. As a member of the Massachusetts ODP team, players will have the opportunity to train with elite level players on a state, regional and national platform.

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